Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Liberal Bathroom Agenda

The elections are over and the world has changed.  But not completely. Michelle Bachmann managed to hold off Elwyn Tinklenberg (no homo) and hang onto her seat in the House, much to the surprise of reasonable citizens everywhere.  Everyone is well aware of her calls for neo-McCarthyism on Hardball.  Her comments set off a strong backlash for obvious reasons.  Footage was even dug up from a 2005 debate where she proclaimed that, "...Not all cultures are equal.  Not all values are equal."
In today's 24 hour news cycle this incident for many be part of the distant past, however her comments, particularly those made in 2005, were very much on my mind a few short days ago.  I sauntered into the men's room for some much needed post-lunch relief.  As I scanned the urinal bank I noticed something was amiss.  A foreign gentlemen was standing in front of me in clear violation of American urinal culture normatives.  He was configured according to the following diagram:

1     2     3     4
The numbers represent urinals, with 4 being the kiddie urinal.  As if this violation of proper solo urinal configuration was not enough, this particular offender was "going over the fence".  I think we all can agree this was a particularly egregious violation urinal etiquette, however I have witnessed this sort of behavior far too often.  I thought to myself that Michelle Bachmann was at least partially correct.  Clearly the voters in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District thought so.