Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bigger Asshole: Brett Favre v. Skip Bayless

Over the course of the past year most people have realized that Brett Favre is a giant asshole. Some people, such as my esteemed colleague Judge Smails, have recognized this for many years. Naysayers will no doubt argue that the asshole who walks among the Jets is just having fun. Don't be a moron. The man is, has, and always will be one of the biggest douchebags to play professional sports and that alone says something. Many people began to realize how big of a douchebag the man was this off-season when he decided to return to football creating a giant and unnecessary QB controversy. The Packers offered him 20 million to sit on his ass. This is quite the deal for someone who is an inch away from being picked off 90% of the time. Instead of taking this amazing deal, he decided that he wanted to have a little more fun. Why couldn't he just sit on his ass and play the occasional pickup game in his wranglers with his toothless, redneck friends?

As I'm sure most of you have read this week, to solidify his position as one of the biggest assholes in sporting history... the man sold out a team that did him no wrong. Brett "Benedict Arnold" Favre gave the Detroit Lions information regarding the Packers in hopes of a Lions victory. What a cocksucker. This whole fucking situation was a result of Favre's immaturity and self-serving nature. It is unfortunately not surprising that as of this morning ESPN, the channel who was quick to bring every up to date development in the biggest bullshit of all time "spygate," has yet to acknowledge Favre's immaturity and lack of fucking decency. Brett Favre embodies what is wrong with pro sports and people in general.

However, don't be mistaken there is arguably a bigger cocksucker in the world of pro sports as no asshole competition is complete without at least a passing reference to the biggest jack fuck ever to grace the ESPN networks, that's right the one and only... Skip Bayless. Cold Pizza was a fixture of my days for the better part of a year. I did not enjoy the show, I actually hated the show. I just wanted to see what this over-plastic surgerized power bottom was going to say next. It is not a coincidence that even people in Texas, the ultimate state of douchebag commradery, hate one of their own. How much plastic surgery is this man going to need to be the equivalent of the 'white' Michael Jackson. I have no doubt that he has the other accolades under his belt, including but not limited to child molestation.

Bayless and his baseless opinions have no room even in the shitbag halls of the ESPN networks. I would much rather watch "that's nasty" non-stop for a week straight than have to be subjected to 10 minutes of Skip Bayless talking about the positive sides of the WNBA and the NBA's expansion to Europe. This is the guy who said that America should not participate in the Olympics, but rather start their own Olympics because "their is no legitimate athletic talent outside of the states." Trust me, I am very ethnocentric, but this is just over the line. The guy has been on a high horse and apparently thinks that he gets a free pass ever since he predicted Jerry Jones' firing of Jimmy Johnson in the mid-90's. Someone needs to take him down a notch.

But in the end, only one can be crowned with the crown of shit... the winner has to be Brett Favre. While Skip Bayless, is undeniably one of the biggest assholes who has ever walked the face of this earth, my hatred seems to be merely based on personal disdain. Favre on the other hand is objectively a class A prick...

Stay tuned for the next episode: Worst "Professional Sport": WNBA v. NHL.

1 comment:

Judge Smails said...

Favre is such an asshole. Bayless is a fucking idiot.